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UNA-UK's 2013 AGM reflects on year of achievements and future priorities

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On 20 June 2013 UNA-UK held two AGMs, marking the transition from the old company to the new charity. Over 50 members attended the formal process of accepting the audited accounts for 2011/12 and appointing auditors for the following year.  Minutes for both AGMs are available at the bottom of the page.

Sir Jeremy Greenstock, UNA-UK's Chairman, told members that the Association was emerging from a period of significant change. The UNA Trust and the United Nations Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland had now effectively merged into the new charity. Thanking staff and members for their efforts, he spoke about UNA-UK’s achievements during the last 12 months, highlighting:

Looking to the future, Sir Jeremy said that the top priority for the Board and staff was to replace existing grants to maintain the capability of UNA-UK for years to come. He said that the Association’s work was taking place within the context of significant global shifts.

The defining relationship of this period was between peoples and their governments, and states were increasingly putting their domestic agendas first. Despite this, the UN remained highly relevant. Instances of inter-state conflict had significantly reduced since its inception and dialogue was now the preferred way forward. UNA-UK’s support for the UN remained very important, and he thanked members for their continued efforts. Sir Jeremy also paid tribute to the late Malcolm Harper, UNA-UK Director from 1982 to 2004.

Natalie Samarasinghe, UNA-UK’s Acting Executive Director, outlined in more detail the Association’s work over the past year. She highlighted UNA-UK’s role in the Arms Trade Treaty campaign, and in calling for greater parliamentary oversight of the UK’s review by the UN Human Rights Council. She also reported on the success of UN Forum 2012, developments in UNA-UK’s youth programmes and that nearly 9,000 supporters had engaged with the Association through the supporters initiative – all examples of UNA-UK extending its reach and impact.

The day concluded with the presentation of three Distinguished Service Awards to Neville Grant, Malcolm Hill and David Oliver, each of whom has given exemplary service to UNA-UK and the wider community.