The United Nations Association - UK is delighted to announce that Princess Tessy of Luxembourg and Lord Malloch-Brown have accepted the position of UNA-UK Patron - the highest honorary position within the Association
Princess Tessy of Luxembourg is a former officer in the Luxembourg army. She described the "highlight" of her five-year military career as her deployment with the UN peacekeeping mission in Kosovo in 2004. After military service, she became the global advocate for young women and adolescent girls at UNAids, before being nominated as Associate Fellow for the Centre on Global Health Security at Chatham House.
A current adviser to UNA-UK, Her Royal Highness has taken an active interest in charities and NGOs, having joined the Luxembourg Groupe de Support Psychologique (Psychological Support Group) and created her own NGO titled ‘Professors without Borders’. She is also currently Director of UK security firm DS-48.
Mark Malloch-Brown is the highest-ranking UK citizen to have served at the UN. He served as Deputy Secretary-General and Chief of Staff of the UN under Secretary-General Kofi Annan, and previously held the position of Administrator of the UN Development Programme (UNDP).
Lord Malloch-Brown was later Minister of State in the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, covering Africa and Asia, and was a member of Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s cabinet. Other positions have included Chair of International Crisis Group, Vice-Chairman of George Soros’s Investment Funds - as well as his Open Society Foundation - and a Vice-President at the World Bank.
Princess Tessy and Lord Malloch-Brown will join UNA-UK's first Patron, Sir Patrick Stewart OBE, in representing and promoting the Association.
Photo (top): credit UNAIDS