What the world thinks: UNA-UK lets facts and figures speak for themselves.
In 2020, the UN carried out a global consultation to mark its 75th anniversary – asking people from all walks of life about their hopes and fears for the future, their views and expectations of the UN, and their ideas on how to tackle the challenges we face. Over 1.5 million people took part in the process, from every region of the world, through surveys and dialogues. This is what they said.
- Amid the current crisis, their immediate priority is better access to basic services, including healthcare, education and safe water and sanitation.
- They also want greater international solidarity, increased support to the places hardest hit by the pandemic and action to reduce inequality.
- Across all regions, people are most worried about the climate crisis and destruction of the natural environment.
- 87% believe that international cooperation is vital to addressing today’s challenges, with a majority believing that COVID-19 has made cooperation even more urgent.
- Other priorities for building a better future include: human rights, settling conflicts, tackling poverty, reducing corruption.
- Looking to the past, 6/10 respondents felt the UN has made the world a better place.
- Looking to the future, 74% see the Organization as “essential” to solving global problems.
- But over half see the UN as remote from their lives...and only a third believe it is contributing “a lot” to managing global challenges.
- People called for the UN to be more inclusive – in terms of civil society, youth, women, vulnerable groups, business, cities and regional organisations.
UN75 respondents

You can view the full data at www.un75.online.