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Time for a Global Environment Organisation?

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Time for a Global Environment Organisation?

In a comment piece released today, Sir Jeremy Greenstock, UNA-UK Chairman, and Bonian Golmohammadi, Secretary-General of the WFUNA, make the case for a global environment organisation.

Excerpt from the article:

On 15 and 16 December, governments, international agencies and NGOs meet to discuss hundreds of recommendations on sustainable development ahead of the major UN conference in June 2012 known as 'Rio+20'.

At present, international environmental governance is weak and fragmented. A range of UN organisations – from the World Bank to the UN Development Programme – have substantial environmental portfolios [...] If we are serious about sustainable development, we need an overarching legal framework with a strong and well-resourced institution at its core to lead our efforts, not least in hammering out what Durban's "agreed outcome with legal force" will mean in practice.

Click here to read Bonian Golmohammadi's Huffington Post article, co-signed by Sir Jeremy Greenstock and 12 United Nations Associations