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UNA-UK takes a big step forward

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UNA-UK takes a big step forward

At UNA-UK's General Meeting on 24 November, the membership voted by more than three-quarters in favour of a Special Resolution for UNA-UK and The UNA Trust to merge into one new charitable organisation, subject to Charity Commission approval. Click here to download the draft minutes from the meeting.

Striving for Change’ was also adopted, almost unanimously, as the organisation’s new strategic plan.

A message from the UNA-UK Chairman, Sir Jeremy Greenstock, along with a note setting out the process for implementing the merger and FAQs on what charity status will mean for the organisation, its members and branches, was sent by email to individual UNA-UK members, and to branches, regions, nations and youth branches by post. Click here to read the message.

Draft minutes

Papers pertaining to the General Meeting

Supporting information

If you require further information or would like hard copies of any of the above documents, please contact Hayley Richardson on, or phone 020 7766 3454.