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UNA-UK calls for roadmap towards a unified development agenda

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UNA-UK calls for roadmap towards a unified development agenda

On the eve of the UN Special Event on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the post-2015 development agenda, UNA-UK calls on Member States to set out a clear roadmap for a single global development agenda to be endorsed by world leaders in 2015.

Along with other members of the Beyond 2015 coalition, UNA-UK hopes that this Special Event will make concrete progress towards a unified process leading to a single set of clearly defined global development goals with poverty eradication and sustainable development at its core.

This process should include clear indications on:

  • financing for the post-2015 development framework
  • institutional reforms needed to underpin the new agenda
  • opportunities for ongoing public, parliamentary and civil society involvement
  • how the agenda will relate to, and complement, negotiations on a global climate agreement

UPDATE: the Special Event outcome document has now been published. Click here to read it.

Click here for the Beyond 2015 press release on the outcome of the Special Event.

To inform global discussions, UNA-UK will shortly launch a major publication on international development entitled: Leaving no one behind. With contributions from over 40 experts and practitioners, the publication analyses the context in which the MDGs were developed, assesses progress to date, and outlines gaps and lessons learned. It also provides recommendations for the post-2015 development agenda.

These recommendations include:

  • retaining the simplicity and focus of the MDGs, within the broader context of security, development, human rights and good governance
  • recognising the need for economic growth to occur within planetary boundaries
  • ensuring the goals have enough flexibility to be adjusted to national and local realities and needs, and creating inclusive processes to do so
  • investing in public services and infrastructure to support development gains and empower local and national governments
  • emphasising decent work, knowledge- and skills-based education, and social protection
  • strengthening existing and forging new partnerships for financing, delivering, monitoring and evaluating the new development agenda
  • supporting better data collection and analysis
  • develop methods for local initiatives to be shared, scaled-up and replicated, between and within countries
  • developing concrete proposals to extend the reach of existing technological innovations and support new ones
  • fostering a global outlook in decision-making amongst governments and publics

The publication features articles by Ban Ki-moon, Helen Clark, Ertharin Cousin, José María Figueres, Justine Greening, Richard Jolly, Amina Mohammed, Babatunde Osotimehin, Lakshmi Puri, Jeffrey Sachs and Wu Hongbo.

The publication will be available shortly on the UNA-UK website. Please contact Natalie Saad on for hard copies.

Click here to read the statement by the Beyond 2015 network, a global civil society coalition comprising over 800 organisations from around the world

Click here to read UNA-UK's briefing on the post-2015 development agenda