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UN APPG: Ambassador Lakhdar Brahimi on The Arab Spring: an overall view

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UN APPG: Ambassador Lakhdar Brahimi on The Arab Spring: an overall view

As an Arab League Special Envoy, Ambassador Brahimi brokered the 1989 Taef Agreement which ended the 17-year long civil war in Lebanon. After retiring as Algeria’s Foreign Minister in 1993, he went on to lead numerous UN missions.

He served as the Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Afghanistan 1997-1999, and from 2001-2004, he led the UN mission to Afghanistan.  In 2004 he travelled to Iraq as a Special Envoy of the Secretary-General to help form an Interim Government.  He is a member of The Elders, a collection of world leaders working to address difficult global challenges.

Chaired by Lord Hannay, this meeting was hosted jointly by the UN APPG and the APPG on Global Security and Non-Proliferation.