UNA-UK has written to all major UK political parties asking them: what would your Party’s priorities be at the UN and how will you inspire the UK electorate on this agenda?
By shedding light on the approaches taken by different parties we hope to contribute to an informed national conversation on foreign policy, and help raise awareness of the ways in which the international system delivers benefits to British citizens.
Read more on this initiative and read other parties' 2019 statements
Sinn Féin's priorities at the UN and how they will you inspire the UK electorate on this agenda:
"Sinn Féin is an Irish republican party that advocates for the reunification of Ireland and as such our MPs are elected on a policy of abstentionism. We therefore have no policy regarding Britain's membership and role in the UN.
However, respect for international law, international co-operation and positive Irish neutrality are a key policies for our party, as is UN reform. Sinn Féin proposes an independent and progressive Irish international relations policy that opposes military alliances and works for international co-operation and conflict negotiation leading to democratic social change and respect for human rights, universal demilitarisation, sustainable development, and nuclear disarmament.
We actively promote UN reform and capacity-building to create a revitalised UN which is capable of fulfilling the promise of the Charter and Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and of upholding international law. One of the key reform measures we would like to see is the democratisation of the Security Council by abolishing the permanent seats on the UN Security Council. We firmly believe that Ireland can and should take a leadership role to ensure that UN reforms are progressive and effective.
More generally for us this British General election is about the political, social and economic future of the north. The people of the North of Ireland voted in June 2016 to remain part of Europe. The Tories are determined to drag us out of Europe against the expressed democratic wishes of the people.
In this British General election Sinn Féin stands against BREXIT. We stand against Tory cuts. We stand against Tory austerity. There are two alternatives to BREXIT. One is designated special status within the European Union. The other, if the Tories do not stop their reckless agenda is to allow the people of Ireland, by referenda, to decide their own future. Europe has already made it clear that if the people of the north decide to remain within Europe, then they will accommodate that.
This British General Election presents another opportunity for the people of the north to reject a reckless Tory BREXIT. It is also an opportunity to reaffirm support for the Good Friday Agreement.
The British General Election caused a pause in the talks aimed at restoring the institutions of government in the north of Ireland which collapsed almost three years ago in the context of financial scandal and the vetoing of basic rights."