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UNA-UK sponsors WFUNA resolution on the Arms Trade Treaty

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UNA-UK sponsors WFUNA resolution on the Arms Trade Treaty

Between 6 and 10 November the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) held its 40th Plenary Assembly in Rio de Janeiro.  Participants from 41 UNAs, representing every region of the world, attended.

During the event, resolutions were adopted to address a number of key issues, including the under-regulated arms trade treaty (ATT).  These resolutions establish common ground between United Nations Associations worldwide, focussing campaigning work and agreeing on guiding principles on key issues.

Entitled 'Securing An Effective Arms Trade Treaty', the ATT resolution co-authored by UNA-UK addresses the suffering and instability caused by the illicit trade of conventional arms (see below).

Securing An Effective Arms Trade Treaty

The 40th Plenary Assembly of the World Federation of United Nations Associations,

Underlines the need to prevent, combat and eradicate the illicit trade of conventional arms and to prevent their diversion to the illicit market and for unauthorized end use;

Recognizes the urgent need for legally-binding international standards regulating the transfer of these weapons;

Calls on:

1. Member States to:

Work, before and during the anticipated 2013 Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) conference, for a regulatory framework that:

  • Applies to the widest possible range of conventional arms and ammunition;
  • Prevents transfers when a substantial risk exists that arms will be used in breach of international humanitarian law or international human rights law;
  • Includes transparent reporting and recording mechanisms;
  • Prioritize the adoption of a robust ATT with the widest possible participation, including the largest arms exporters, during the current (67th) session of the UN General Assembly;

2. UNAs to work with other civil society actors to support the above as a matter
of urgency. 

Click here for a full list of WFUNA resolutions