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1 for 7 Billion launches candidate list for next UN leader

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1 for 7 Billion launches candidate list for next UN leader

The 1 for 7 Billion campaign has launched the first comprehensive list of individuals who have been touted as possible or confirmed candidates for the post of next UN Secretary-General. As a member of the 1 for 7 Billion steering committee, UNA-UK is calling for urgent reforms to the appointment process to make sure the successful candidate is the best possible person for the role. 

The list features individuals who have either reportedly been endorsed as candidates by their respective governments, or who have been rumoured to stand for selection by the press, political actors or other institutions. While not an official list, the webpage provides some speculation on the question of who could lead the United Nations after the term of current Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon comes to an end in 2016.

The three candidates who have reportedly confirmed their candidacy are the former President of Slovenia, Danilo Türk, the Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, and Serbia's former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vuk Jeremić. 

Click here to view the 1 for 7 Billion list of candidates

The 1 for 7 Billion campaign is calling for a selection process geared towards finding the best person for the job, irrespective of gender, region or background.  Unless the current, opaque process is changed, the vetting of candidates will take place in secret and be dominated by the five veto-wielding members of the Security Council: China, France, Russia, UK and USA.  

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The campaign is part of UNA-UK's wider programme of work on UN reform in support of a United Nations that is better-equipped to tackle the raft of difficult and complex challenges facing the international community today.  Selecting a well-qualified leader who has the ability to confront these challenges is vital for the UN and for the seven billion people affected by his or her decisions.