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UNA Groups resources

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UNA Groups resources

Local groups are a key component of our grassroots movement. Volunteers from over 100 UNA Groups across the UK work hard to connect the United Nations with people in their communities and on their campuses.   

This page is a summary of resources and information for UNA Groups.

UNA Group Governance Documents

Basis of Recognition 

All UNA Groups are legally and financially autonomous of UNA-UK. However, in order to be recognised by the Association they must meet minimum requirements.

Template Constitution

This recommended template constitution is designed to help UNA Groups consider the structure and governing documents of their group.

These documents were last reviewed by the UNA-UK Board in September 2020.

UNA Group Update Form

We ask our UNA Groups to complete a short update form every year, to ensure we have current contact details and are able to best support the activities and initiatives of each group.

Form a UNA Group 

If you're interested in forming a UNA Group on campus or in your community, please fill out an application form.  

Awareness and fundraising video

Watch and play 'Will you stand with UNA-UK', a version of the video shown at our event at the Guildhall, London, that profiles UNA-UK's work. 

'How to' guide: organising events

We asked UNA Groups across the country how they organise, finance and publicise the events that they hold. This 'How to guide', on organising UNA Groups events, outlines some of the ideas and innovations that they shared. 

Dedicated webpages

Each UNA Group has a dedicated page on the UNA-UK website. This page contains a dedicated UNA Group title, logo, description, contact details (including a link to the local UNA's external website if applicable), as well as any forthcoming events that the local UNA has submitted. UNA Groups can use this directory to contact other local UNAs.

Click here to access UNA Groups pages

Submitting events & news

UNA Group officers and members can submit local events for publication here. The event will then be advertised on the website's main event listing, the members area and the UNA Group page.  

UNA Groups will soon have more freedom to customise their own page. 

Submitting news stories

UNA Groups officers can now submit news articles for publication on their page, via a unique website log-in. This development allows members to publicise meeting reports and updates of their activities and will act as a great resource for those who not able to attend meetings in person. Over time, this functionality will allow members to build an impressive chronicle of their UNA Group activities and will act as a strong advertisement for their group. 

Download your official branch logo

If you are a member of a UNA Group, you can download a copy of your official UNA Group logo direct from UNA-UK's Flickr account. We have made these logos available so that members access and use their official logo to create their own branded letterhead paper, event flyers and for use on their own website, if applicable.

To download your logo:

  1. Click here to view a list of all UNA Groups logos.
  2. Find your logo in the list and click on it.
  3. From the 'Actions' drop down menu near the top of the page click 'View all sizes'.
  4. Select your preferred logo size.
  5. Click the download link near the top of the page, or right-click the image and select 'Save Image As...' (or similar).

Branding guidelines:

Please refrain from using UNA Group logos other than your official logo (retrievable by following the process above)

  • Please do not amend or alter your official UNA Group logo in any way
  • Please ensure that any address or contact details which accompany the logo are those of the local branch, not those of UNA-UK.
  • If you are using your branch logo for branding on letters, please ensure you include the following footer text at the bottom of your letter: "The United Nations Association - UK (UNA-UK) campaigns for a strong, credible and effective United Nations. UNA-UK is supported by a UK-wide membership network of volunteer-run branches and regions. The activities of these branches and regions are organised independently of UNA-UK and the views expressed by individual members do not necessarily reflect the official policy positions of UNA-UK."

Start a UNA Group at your university

Would you like to join our expanding network of over 50 university societies across the UK? Passionate internationalists, each society promotes and campaigns on the global issues in their own unique way, but they are all linked by their focus of a strong, credible and effective United Nations. It’s a great way to add valuable volunteering experience to your CV, meet other like-minded people and get more involved in our work. Click here for information on how to get started

FAQs for university groups

Here you will find some of the questions that UNA Groups at universities most frequently ask us. If you have a question that does not feature on this list, please feel free to tweet, Facebook, or email us.  

Saffron Walden UNA Quiz

You may be planning on holding a social event on campus or in your local community. UNA Saffron Walden has kindly shared a quiz that you could use.