event details
In 1945 the UN was founded offering hope for a better world. On the 14TH of October we are having our annual collection for Unicef - Save the Children Fund.
Unicef has a good record in saving children from poverty and disease, it is one of the most important agencies of the UN, best loved and widely known. The life of millions of children in all parts of the world has been improved providing nutrition, vaccination against polio the eradication of Small pox.
Since it’s creation, The United Nations have achieved a great deal including:
• Providing food to 90 million people in 80 countries
• Assisting 38.7m refugees and people fleeing war, famine or persecution
• Works with 193 countries to fight climate change and drive sustainability
• Fights poverty – helping improve the wellbeing of 420 million rural poor
• Promotes maternal health – saving the life of 30 million women a year
• Mobilizes $22Bn in aid to help people affected by emergencies
The branch is fortunate for the loyalty of the volunteers who always respond when the call comes to support. We look to our membership for help on the 14th of October. We would like volunteers on the day or a donation. If donating, please make cheques payable to: London and SE Region UNA. Please send your reply to the email address.