event details
House of Lords
All welcome, please register
Speakers Barbara Cohen, Runnymede Trust Andrea Murray, Equality & Human Rights Commission Ian Naysmith, Dept. for Communities and Local Government Chair: Lord Ouseley In 2014, Westminster UNA reviewed the UK’s progress in implementing recommendations made in the 2011 audit conducted by the Committee for the International Convention for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD). That report had criticised the UK for its treatment of gypsies and Irish travellers and its record on the disproportionate use of ‘stop and search’ powers. The CERD Committee’s recent Periodic Review for the UK, published 29 August, has expressed concern on funding cuts to the Equality and Human rights Commission (EHRC) and the dilution of its powers and noted with alarm the sharp rise in race hate crime during the recent EU referendum campaign.