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UNA Westminster: Does the UK have a credible race equality strategy or is a new vision required?

event details

Event date
Event location Room 4A, House of Lords
Houses of Parliament

Lord Herman Ouseley

former Chair, Commission for Racial Equality

Rachel Zaltzman, Head of EHRC Human Rights and Respect Programme

Ratna Lachman, Director, JUST West Yorkshire

Baroness Glenys Thornton, Labour Equalities spokesperson in the House of Lords and representatives of the other main political parties


As a signatory to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the UK must adhere to the reporting requirements of and regular audits conducted by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD). In 2011, CERD welcomed the Equality Act (2010) as a landmark improvement in anti-discrimination legislation, although it also criticised the UK for inequalities and discrimination faced by Roma, Gypsies and Irish travellers and the disproportionate use of stop and search powers. Since then, significant changes have weakened the legal protections afforded by the Equality Act and the Equality & Human Rights Commission’s core duty to promote good race relations.

It is argued that the move towards a blanket approach to diversity has created a hierarchy of equalities with race demoted in the agenda. Given the considerable and continuing hurdles faced by ethnic minorities in accessing health, housing, and education, together with their lack of political engagement in formal structures, how do the UK political parties propose to progress the race equality agenda? In the context of the UK’s overdue submission to CERD, experts in the field will be joined by representatives of the major parties to debate the key issues and hopefully help to shape the policy position around race and diversity in preparation for the 2015 general election.

*At 6.30pm, UNA Westminster Branch will hold its Annual General Meeting to which all are welcome to attend. This will be completed by 7.00pm.

Please enter by Cromwell Gate, leaving at least 25 minutes to pass through security.

For information, contact: David Wardrop. 0207 385 6738 or

The Annual Report for 2012-2013 and information on the activities of UNA Westminster can be accessed through our website at

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