event details
Storey's Gate
(opposite Westminster Abbey)
In the same hall which hosted the first meeting of the UN General Assembly in 1946, the Kuwait ambassador, HE Mr Khaled Al-Duwaisan GCVO, senior ambassador in London will lead fellow ambassadors in confirming their countries’ unanimous co-sponsorship of the UK’s Resolution to promote the Olympic Truce and supporting human development initiatives through sport and co-operation with the International Olympic Committee, the International Paralympic Committee and the sporting community in general. Their collected letters of support addressed to Sir Jeremy Greenstock, UNA Chairman, will join other historic UN memorabilia in the Library of Central Hall Westminster.
The 75 minute programme will feature youth programmes in the UK and elsewhere showing how the Truce legacy will be taken forward in the spirit of the UN resolution. The United Nations Veterans Association will carry the flags of the United Nations and the Olympic Truce and leading personalities will address the audience.
All are welcome. Bring friends and family but please register at info@unawestminster.org.uk
From 2.30pm, a photographic exhibition of UN peacekeepers in action and even participating in their own ‘Olympic Games’ will be open. There is an excellent cafeteria. Please arrive in time to be seated by 3.45pm. Nearest Underground stations (Westminster and St James Park)
For more information, contact David Wardrop, UNA Westminster Chairman, on davidwardrop@bulldoghome.com or 0207 385 6738