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UN Security Council approves Libya 'no fly zone' and paves way for 'all necessary measures' to protect civilians; Ban hails historic decision

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The UN Security Council yesterday adopted a resolution on Libya approving a 'no fly zone' and paving the way for 'all necessary measures' to be taken to protect civilians in the country. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon applauded the Council's decision, which he labelled an historic affirmation of the international community's 'responsibility to protect', and urged states to take immediate action.

After a belligerent response from Muammar Al-Quadhafi, Libya today declared a ceasefire, though reports from the ground say that shelling of civilians continues.The UN Refugee Agency is warning of mass displacement.

Commentators have drawn attention to those Security Council members who abstained from yesterday's vote. The resolution was adoped with 10 votes for and five abstentions. In addition to China and Russia, which had been expected to abstain, Brazil, Germany and India also did not vote. These three countries are prime contenders for permanent seats should the Council be reformed.