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Season's greetings from UNA-UK!

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This December, UNA-UK reflects on the year gone by with mixed feelings. While we are proud of our achievements, we are also deeply concerned by the raft of challenges facing the international community. A quick scan of the headlines in 2014 generates little cause for good cheer. From conflict to Ebola, terrorism to climate change, these problems are complex, and they affect us all.   


Throughout the year, UNA-UK has made the case that an effective UN is our best hope for tackling these issues. But while it can provide the platform and the tools, it is governments that must take the necessary decisions. They need to support the UN and invest in it. Our manifesto demonstrates that a far-sighted, multilateral approach to UK foreign policy is in the best interest of citizens in this country and across the world. It calls on all political parties to support this agenda ahead of the general election.

2015 will be a defining year for the international community. We have the potential to secure progressive new development goals, agree a robust climate treaty and make progress on nuclear disarmament and gender equality. Our success will depend on the determination of our leaders and their willingness to engage and negotiate long-term solutions.To this end, we at UNA-UK will work tirelessly with our members and supporters, urging the UK to rise to the challenge, think big, and secure outcomes at a global level. We will also be marking the 70th anniversary of the United Nations, and of our Association's role in making its values a reality in the UK.We are the only charity in this country devoted to connecting people of all ages and backgrounds with the work of the UN, and to building support for the institution among British policy-makers. Please consider supporting our work with a donation. We look forward to continuing to work with you next year and beyond.Take a look at our festive e-card for UNA-UK's interactive reflections on 2014, or alternatively, read the highlights below:



The UN needs strong, visionary leadership if it is going to be effective in addressing the challenges we face. That is why UNA-UK and its partners launched 1 for 7 Billion, a global campaign calling on the UK and others to ensure the process for selecting the next UN Secretary-General is focussed on finding the best candidate.Join the campaign now if you haven't already!


EQUIPPING YOUNG PEOPLE TO THINK GLOBALLYWorking with education specialists and teachers in the UK, we published a set of resources to support teaching on UN issues in schools across the country. Our aim is to foster a new generation of engaged global citizens: the leaders of tomorrow. We also presented our annual Award for Distinguished Service to Professor Lynn Davies, for her work on tackling extremism through education at our UN Day reception hosted by the Embassy of Morocco, at which FCO Minister Baroness Anelay gave the keynote speech. 

PUTTING FOREIGN AFFAIRS FRONT AND CENTRE Watch our short film for a flavour of the debates at UN Forum 2014, which saw over 1,000 people gather in  London to discuss Britain’s role on the world stage. The event kicked off a year of public debate on global issues ahead of the election and the launch of our foreign policy manifesto.



Our policy work calls for effective UK action across the UN’s three pillars: peace and security, development and human rights. Working across this broad spectrum, 2014 highlights include: launching a new peacekeeping programme, reviewing UK capacity to prevent atrocities, coordinating a petition to safeguard human rightsand scrutinising UK arms export policy in support of a strong Arms Trade Treaty.


INSPIRED BY GRASSROOTS ACTIONLed by Chairman Sir Jeremy Greenstock and Executive Director Natalie Samarasinghe, the UNA-UK team has travelled the length and breadth of the country to speak at local UNA events, meet members and supporters, and encourage action at the local level. The input we get from our grassroots groups not only inspires us, but informs our policy priorities. We look forward to our Policy Conference on 16 May and to supporting local UNA hustings events next year. 


As well as four meaty issues of our flagship magazine, New World, we are proud to have released our second major report on the post-2015 development framework. The new publication shifts the focus from ‘what’ to ‘how’, as the international community enters its final year of deliberations on the framework. Contributors include Jan Eliasson, Helen Clark, Richard Jolly, Ricken Patel and other experts, practitioners and campaigners. Click here to download your free copy.



Over the course of the year we are proud to have hosted a raft of top UN speakers, giving the UN a platform to inform the public and work with policy-makers on pressing global issues. This year, we are delighted to have welcomed Kofi AnnanJan EliassonValerie AmosMark Lyall GrantJennifer Welsh and many more to our public events, parliamentary seminars and expert roundtables.



From the violence in Gaza and Iraq to UN reform issues that could otherwise go unnoticed, UNA-UK has spoken up and articulated the UN angle in national print, television and online, connecting the UK public with the work of the UN and challenging sloppy reporting on UN issues. As a critical friend of the UN, we have also not shied away from tackling issues such as the need for greater UN accountability and transparency. Visit to read more.



We couldn’t have achieved what we have this year without such superb support from our volunteers. From major events like UN Forum to campaigning led by local UNAs, we want to say a massive "thank you" to the volunteers who helped make it all happen. 2015 will be a busy year. With your continued support, we know it will be a fruitful one too!