UNA-UK is pleased to join Social Good UK for the "Closing the Gap" virtual summit on the SDGs on Thursday, 9 November 2023, at 14:00 GMT.
Despite meeting some targets and increasing awareness about global goals, new challenges seemingly threaten the possibility of meeting the 2030 end goal. Global conflict, fragility, poverty, inflation of essential commodities, and economic recession, amongst other things, are critical challenges to resilient and sustainable development coupled with the aftermath of the pandemic.
The summit will deliberate on some of these challenges by identifying drawbacks and how to close these gaps.
We are delighted to feature the following speakers to discuss current global challenges and ensure resilient and sustainable development:
- María Fernanda Espinosa, former President of the UN General Assembly
- Marissa Conway, CEO of United Nations Association - UK
- Mandeep Tiwana, Chief Officer - Evidence and Engagement at CIVICUS
- David Connor, Founder of 2030hub
- Nudhara Yusuf, Global Governance Innovation Network (GGIN) Executive Coordinator at the Stimson Center, Global Youth Coordinator for the Coalition for the UN We Need (C4UN)
- Labake Ajiboye-Richard, CEO and Principal Consultant of the AR Initiative
- Oyin Olufayo, Founder of Gesego Games
The speakers will discuss the following topics:
- Achieving the global goals in unprecedented times
- Leaving no one behind: sustainable solutions to tackle new threats
To register to attend the virtual event, please click here: https://unfoundation.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Uhqwf-0XTrCdqc28V6E91Q#/registration