9 December 2016
This 'new look' issue of the UNA-UK Magazine interrogates the much-lamented notion that we are living in a ‘post-truth’ era.
Our new “Perspectives” section includes commentary from senior UN officials, academics, journalists, pollsters, scientists and activists, while in “Talking points” we discuss the impact this 'post-truth' narrative has had on perceptions of democracy. And we give “The last word” to Anne Hopkinson, a retired teacher who was appalled by the xenophobia in her small Northumberland village.
We also have three thought-provoking essays, including from the UK Ambassador to the UN Matthew Rycroft, who writes in unambiguous terms that the UK will remain active on the world stage.
This issue also provides in-depth analysis of the transition from Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to António Guterres - whose appointment is one thing that went right in the year 2016. UNA-UK is incredibly proud of the role that our small organisation played in transforming the selection process that led to his appointment.

Perspectives: the 'post-truth' factor
Insights on the rising trend of 'post-truth politics' from Emma Briant, Owen Jones, George Marshall, Michael Møller, Simon Moss, Robert Worcester and Isabelle Younane