event details
Greenwich Peninsula Chaplaincy
37 Becquerel Court, West Parkside
Repeating last year’s success, join us to celebrate the UN International Day of Peace, sharing a cable car over the Thames.
When you register, we ask your details so we can ensure you join a Flight with others who will be different from yourself. After this first flight, take refreshments at the nearby Crystal, the exhibition dedicated to urban sustainability. As each group of 4/5 gets acquainted, discussion can move to faith, ethnicity, age, food, anything! Ask questions you've always wanted to ask.
Each group is unique as will be every discussion. All will benefit through learning how others see things differently. Groups decide when to take the return flight. Share what you have discussed using our questionnaire – or choose not to. But take home your Flight for Peace Certificate of Airworthiness!
We have arranged low fares with TFL, even for your Oyster. See the world from above.
Follow this link to register: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/flights-for-peace-tickets-11990874027
Contact point for this event
Angela Viano