event details
Parliament Square
Marking the centenary of the League of Nations
Britain and the Century of the International Civil Servant: the Legacy of Sir Eric Drummond'
Chair The Rt. Hon. Lord Malloch-Brown
Former United Nations Deputy Secretary-General
Speaker Professor Patricia Clavin
Professor of International History, Jesus College, University of Oxford
Response David Macfadyen,
Lead author, 'Eric Drummond and his Legacies'
2019 marks the centenary of the foundation of the League of Nations. Eric Drummond, the League’s first Secretary-General (1919-1933), created ‘an international secretariat, lifted above all national contexts’. He deserves recognition for having conceived a new permanent element of world life – impartial multilateral cooperation. Drummond and his senior colleagues showed that the way towards building a better world was through nations acting together. They set a pattern of international governance which today’s international civil servants follow in the UN and other international bodies.
The event is organized jointly by the Westminster United Nations Association and the British Association of Former United Nations Civil Servants. It will highlight the book, Eric Drummond and his Legacies (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019) authored by four former British UN staff.
A Question and Answer session will follow the presentations.
In 2015, Professor Clavin was awarded the British Academy Medal, which recognises a ‘landmark achievement that has transformed understanding’ for her book Securing the World Economy: The Reinvention of the League of Nations, 1920-1946 (Oxford, 2013).
Free but you must register here