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UNA Bexhill & Hastings: Climate Change and Refugees

event details

Event date
Event location

St. Peter's Community Centre
Church Street
Ease Sussex
TN40 2HE

As the world suffers record high numbers of Refugees, ‘Last Orders’ has been called for Climate Change. Therefore, we intend to use our annual UN Day Peace Event to address this dire and tragic situation.
The morning session will use a selection of videos, pictures and interviews to ‘showcase’ local people’s progress in in making peace and in social, economic and environmental development. After a BYO lunch break, the afternoon’s session will begin with an illustrated presentation about of UNESCO. And then over tea, we will hold café-style workshops to prepare people to stop their governments from making war that is obstructing the resolution of social, economic and environmental problems.
Until we stop the wars, climate change will never be resolved and refugees will forever land on our shores.
Free Booking on Eventbrite
Or contact Sheila Kesby


Event contact details

Contact: Sheila Kesby