The United Nations Association – Bexhill & Hastings Branch (known as UNA-B&H) is a constituted unincorporated association. In accordance with UNA-UK’s ‘Articles of Association’, UNA-B&H functions as a legally and financially autonomous entity. However, like all UNA groupings, UNA-B&H is structurally part on UNA-UK. This was clarified on 26th August 2020, when the Branch was recognised by the Board of Trustees of the UNA-UK, a charitable company limited by guanrantee: registered number 1146016. This enables UNA-B&H to play its part in reflecting the mission and values and realising the aims and objects of UNA-UK within its own local area. While welcoming members from anywhere, the Branch matches the same geographical and judicial areas as the Rother District Council (RDC) and Hastings Borough Council (HBC).
Therefore, UNA-B&H’s overall PURPOSE is to support the work of the UN and all its agencies, whilst recognising the need for reform to strengthen the UN’s credibility and effectiveness.
Or - in other words, ‘To help turn the Ideals of the UN into Reality.’
Although we are involved with an annual mixed range of activities, the Branch’s main interests fall into 3 main categories, which are:
The Environment, Peace & Human Security and Health & Human Development
Branch Events
- Email: s.kesby339@btinternet.com