Sophie Radice
Head of Campaigns
Sophie joined UNA-UK as Head of Campaigns in March 2024. Before that she was Head of Campaigns at Women for Refugee Women, an organisation that campaigns for change in the treatment of refugee and asylum-seeking women. Sophie has over twenty years of experience as a campaigner and communicator in human rights organisations, working on issues such as female genital cutting, wrongful convictions, and immigration detention. Sophie is passionate about helping to amplifying the voices of others and influencing policy and public opinion through effective and creative campaigns. Sophie has also worked in creating campaigns with local NGOs in Sierra Leone.
Sophie has worked as the Senior Editor for Editorial Intelligence, a networking and event organisation that connects thought leaders and experts from various fields and as The Editor of the Labour Party membership magazine. Sophie has written in-depth and complex reports, edited books and podcasts, and created video content for a diverse range of clients. Sophie has been a freelance journalist since her early twenties, writing for The Guardian, The Observer, The Independent, Evening Standard, Vogue, and The Sunday Times. She has written a novel, ‘The Henry Experiment’ which was turned into a BBC drama.