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UNA Tunbridge Wells and Wealden

There has been a local UNA in Tunbridge Wells for more than half a century. We continue to represent members and supporters from Kent and east Sussex and are affiliated to UNA-UK’s London and Southeast Region (LaSER). Membership of the Tunbridge Wells local UNA and national UNA/UK is open to all, with a single subscription (available here) while those who wish to register as supporters, rather than full members, are also welcome to do so. Corporate members are also welcome. We also have a Facebook page.

The Tunbridge Wells local UNA aims to represent UNA in our area and to further the objectives of the United Nations itself by:

  • contributing to the national UNA in working for the achievement of UN aims, and

  • acting as a forum for discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the UN


The local UNA cooperates where appropriate with other local groups which share interests with the UNA. We have, on occasion, combined with the local Borough Council on activities concerning environmental questions as, for example, when we were able to represent the ‘local’ in the approach to world concerns with local-global links.

For more than twenty-five years we have promoted an annual Model United Nations General Assembly (MUNGA), bringing together many local school students and teachers for a day in the autumn in our Town Hall. Our MUNGAs involve much preparatory work, with a team of teachers, and include a plenary ‘Briefing Day’ in a local school.  Tunbridge Wells MUNGAs have become well known for their high standards and effectiveness.  In 2011 our Branch was awarded the ‘Stephens Trophy’ by UNA/LaSER largely because of our MUNGA successes.  We support UNA initiatives in London and the south-east and, occasionally, we hold open public meetings in Tunbridge Wells on topics ranging from the Arab Spring and India to women’s issues and people trafficking.




    Branch contact Marguerita Morton
  • Email: