event details
This discussion will be in response to the IEA’s July reports calling for more change within the global generation mix as well as international tensions over emissions mitigation agreements. A core objective of UNA-YP’s is providing “a national landscape for the discussion of international issues relevant to youth”, and hosting a discussion featuring an expert who has years of experience within the field of discussion will without a doubt lead to an invaluable conversation not only shedding light on specific issues facing renewable energy, but energy innovation as a whole.
Ms. Wörsdörfer is the current Director of Sustainability, Technology and Outlooks at the International Energy Agency. On the 9th of July, IEA hosted the “Clean Energy Transitions Summit” and published the “Clean Energy Innovation Special Report”. Prior to joining the IEA, Ms Wörsdörfer served as a Director in the European Commission’s Directorate General for Energy.