event details
Leicester Street
Leamington Spa
Responsible Business: What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - Exploring the role of Business Entities/Corporations and Leadership – their response to UN`s SDGs, Climate Change, Protection of Human Rights and working against Corruption.
Guest Speaker: Nathalie Ormrod BA (Hons) MSc ACIM SFHEA
Director of Aston Business School`s
Principles and Responsible Management Education (PRME),
A United Nations-supported initiative.
Senior Teaching Fellow, Dept of Marketing & Strategy
The local UN Association are delighted to announce that Nathalie Ormrod from Aston Business School has kindly accepted an invitation to come and address our Branch meeting.
Nathalie’s presentation will focus on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in relation to the corporate world of business, and their impact upon organisations’ Corporate Social Responsibility strategies and environments in terms of customers, employees, suppliers, communities and natural resources.
Nathalie is a Senior Teaching Fellow in the department of Marketing and Strategy of Aston Business School (ABS), Nathalie has nearly 30 years’ teaching experience in higher education. Initially trained in modern languages, Nathalie has served in marketing since 2000, and was Chair of the Chartered Marketing Institute’s North Staffordshire branch between 2009 and 2011. A Senior Teaching Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Nathalie has recently been appointed as Director of ABS Principles and Responsible Management Education (PRME), a United Nations-supported initiative.
The relationship of the UN and the international business community has been transformed. Business entities embracing corporate responsibility now work side by side with the Organization to make the world a better place. Through the UN Global Compact, companies embrace ten universal principles, from supporting the protection of human rights, to working against corruption. At the recent Climate Summit in New York, corporations made commitments to help mitigate climate change. The international business community now wants to partner with the international community to help solve humanity's problems. This is not only good global citizenship on their part. It is also good business.
There will be Ploughman`s Lunch and coffee/tea (£3.50 per head) from 12:00 pm till 2:15 pm and the meeting starts at 12:30 prompt.