event details
5 Greengate
Cardale Park
SDG14 seeks to prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution.
Worldwide, six of the seven Sea Turtle species are classified as threatened or endangered due to human actions and lifestyles. Gina Battye loves turtles. Currently, she leads overseas personal development retreats and has a burning desire to address SDG14 as part of her work. Personal Development and Marine Conservation together.
Gina is seeking support from our UNA Group to turn this from an inspiring vision into a project of maximum impact that will turn the tide on the pollution that is killing and maiming our sealife.
As always at the Harrogate Branch, this event will take the form of an action learning set.
Arrive at 6pm for a 6.30pm start.