event details
Leicester Street
Leamington Spa
Guest Speaker: Dr Giulio Pugliese
In the face of painful international sanctions unanimously agreed by the UN Security Council, North Korea has continued to defy and pushed for a belligerent pursuit of nuclear and missile weapons testing. Given Kim Jong-Un’s avowed aim of increasing North Korea of nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles, the US government has placed North Korea’s nuclear breakout high in its foreign policy agenda. But how does Washington’s DPRK policy differ from that of Japan, China and South Korea?
Dr Giulio Pugliese a Lecture at War Studies Department, Kings College, London will address the local UN Association and will provide a glimpse of these countries’ policy towards North Korea. In so doing, the talk will provide a panoramic of the region’s intricate politics.
Giulio Pugliese is Lecturer in War Studies at King’s College London. He specialises in the politics, both domestic and international, of the Asia-Pacific with a focus on Japan, China and the United States. He has presented at a variety of venues, and published articles and contributing chapters concerning academic, policy-oriented and commercial themes in Italy, the U.S. and Japan. His most recent book is Sino-Japanese Power Politics: Might, Money and Minds (Palgrave 2017).
Giulio regularly comment on international politics and economics of Asia-Pacific for a variety of media outlets including Bloomberg News, Al Jazeera, Chūō Kōron, Nippon.com, Il Sole 24Ore, Il Foglio, Radio24. His comments were also featured in major Japanese and Chinese media (Nikkei Asian Review the Japan Times, People's Daily Online, Apple Daily and Phoenix). He is open to collaborative projects with government departments, NGOs, international organizations, the private sector, and other academic institutions.
There will be Ploughman`s Lunch and coffee/tea (£3.50 per head) from 12:00 pm till 12:30 pm and the meeting starts at 12:30 prompt. For catering purpose please do let me know if you intend coming.