event details
Chandos Street
Leamington Spa
America First: US global engagement in the Trump era Guest
Speaker: Dr. Steve Hewitt Senior Lecturer,
Department of History University of Birmingham
In his inaugural address, President Donald Trump declared that ‘America First’ would be the organising principle for the United States’ interaction with the world. What exactly this means remains a matter for debate. Is a new age of American isolationism beginning? Will the US shift decisively towards protectionism? Will American allies be left to fend for themselves? Having steered his new administration, with record speed, into scandal and dysfunction, Donald Trump is now on his first foreign trip as president. He has met with the House of Saudi (their human rights record is appalling to say the least) and managed to address 40 Head of States of Arab nations. He has met with Israeli leaders and will Trump be Israel`s redeemer? Dr Steve Hewitt has very kindly agreed to come and address the local UN Association and will look at the conclusions that could be drawn from the early months of the Trump administration, and analyse the implications of ‘America First’ for the future of US foreign policy.
Please do come along and bring a friend