Welcome to the spring 2006 issue of New World. This is an exciting time for both UNA-UK and the UN, a time of dynamic change and growth. This issue reproduces Kofi Annan's powerful January speech to UNA-UK in London, in which he gave a personal and candid appraisal of progress on UN renewal, and on his own term of office. He also used his speech to thank UNA-UK and the FCO for our innovative joint national consultations on his In Larger Freedom report over the course of the last year.
UNA-UK is most grateful to the FCO for its funding of the Annan event, to the Foreign Secretary for introducing the Secretary-General, and to Central Hall Westminster for providing the historic venue. Tim Morris and his staff in the FCO International Organisations Department provided invaluable direct support. This UN60 event, broadcast to millions around the world via a live UN webcast and through pooled television cameras, raised UNA-UK's profile both nationally and internationally. UKMUN ran an excellent historic Security Council on the day of the event.
UNA-UK members have given considerable support to UN humanitarian agencies, both financially and through advocacy work. In the lead-up to World Refugee Day this New World features the work of UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie. It also provides details of the World Food Programme's Walk the World event on 21 May, which seeks to raise awareness about child hunger.
Both our youth and student wing, UNYSA, and our new Young Professionals Network (YPN) are flourishing. The 19 January YPN launch, held in Parliament, is featured inide this issue.