Welcome to the spring 2007 issue of New World. This issue covers a broad canvas of issues facing the United Nations.
Our cover feature is on the war against science – UNA-UK aims to place a spotlight on those who, through malice or ignorance, misrepresent the science behind the fourth report of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The vast majority of the world's eminent scientists believe that global warming is happening, and that human-generated carbon emissions play a key role in temperature rises. Sir Nicholas Stern has shown there is a strong economic argument for immediate action to combat climate change.
UNA-UK asserts that there is also a strong moral case to act now to 'stop climate chaos', since those countries and people least equipped to mitigate the effects of climate change will be most affected. I encourage all readers to support the ‘I Count’ campaign.
The Millennium Development Goals were set in the year 2000 and aim to lift over a billion people out of debilitating poverty by the year 2015. We are nearing the halfway mark towards this deadline, and the progress thus far remains mixed. UNA-UK has joined a number of the country's leading development NGOs in creating a new coalition to build on the achievements of Make Poverty History and maintain momentum to end global poverty. More information about 'The World Can't Wait' can be found inside.