7 July 2007 marked the halfway mark towards the target of reaching the eight UN Millennium Development Goals by the year 2015. Progress in some parts of the world has been encouraging, but the situation in much of Africa continues to look bleak. UNA-UK continues to make the realisation of the Goals a priority within its campaigning work.
The International Day of UN Peacekeepers was commemorated again this year by an excellent conference at the Royal United Services Institute, organised by UNA-UK's Westminster branch - more details inside. As part of its own advocacy on the UN's role in peace and security, UNA-UK collaborated with New York University's Center on International Cooperation to launch the second Annual Review of Peace Operations on 26 June (see inside for more on this).
The judicial killing of criminals has again made its way into the international spotlight, and you'll find information in this issue about the UNA-UK's work with the Italian Embassy in London to campaign for a UN General Assembly resolution calling for a global moratorium on the death penalty.
In April, UNA-UK held a successful and enjoyable Annual Conference at Warwick University. The highlight of the event was a fascinating speech by Dame Margaret Anstee, a former UN Under-Secretary-General, which you can read in this issue. The UNYSA conference was again held in parallel with that of UNA-UK - download this issue for details of the new Youth Council.