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Ban Ki-moon "heartened" by youth engagement at historic UNA-UK event

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Ban Ki-moon "heartened" by youth engagement at historic UNA-UK event

In a personal letter to UNA-UK's Chairman, Sir Jeremy Greenstock, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, has applauded UNA-UK for hosting a "memorable" event on 5 February. 

The event, held at London's Central Hall Westminster - where the first UN Secretary-General was elected 70 years ago - was likely to have been Ban Ki-moon's last public appearance in the UK in his capacity as UN leader. After delivering the keynote speech, Mr Ban took part in an interactive discussion with Sir Jeremy.

In his letter, Ban Ki-moon hailed the event as "a great success", commenting particularly on the level of engagement shown by young people, who constituted more than half of the 2,000-strong audience:

"It was a truly memorable day. I was moved by the enthusiasm of the audience and the historic setting itself. At a time when the empowerment of youth is more crucial than ever, I was heartened by the engagement of young people".

The development of young people has been identified by Mr Ban as one of his top priorities for his second term of office. His legacy will include establishing the Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth - currently held by the UN's youngest ever senior official, Ahmad Alhendawi of Jordan.

Click here to read Ban Ki-moon's letter to Sir Jeremy Greenstock

Watch the video below for highlights from the event.

Photo: Ban Ki-moon speaks at Central Hall Westminster, London, on 5 February 2016. Copyright UNA-UK/Ed Thompson