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Sir Patrick Stewart's UNA-UK Christmas appeal

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UNA-UK’s Patron, Sir Patrick Stewart, today launched the Association’s Christmas appeal 2016, encouraging people to support the work of UNA-UK. “The UN stands for us all. UNA-UK stands for the UN. I hope you will stand with us”, he said.

Read the full appeal letter here

Highlighting how the work of the UN improves the lives of people everywhere, the film star told of his pride that his country was a founding member of the international organisation but that “the UN is only as good as we make it”. Citing the growing challenges that the world faces, he called for more support.

He noted UNA-UK’s unique position as the only British charity that makes the case for the UN to the UK Government and public. “Without UNA-UK,” he said, "children would not be learning about the UN at school, government would not have supported the ban on cluster munitions and parliamentarians wouldn’t have access to quality information on UN issues.”

He asked recipients of the appeal and everyone in the UK to help UNA-UK continue its work in 2016 by making a donation.  


Sir Patrick Stewart explains why he supports UNA-UK at our flagship UN Forum event


Sir Patrick Stewart reflects on the enduring value of the UN and on why he chose to become UNA-UK's patron

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