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UNA-UK calls for UK Government leadership on climate change

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UNA-UK calls for UK Government leadership on climate change

UNA-UK has written to Amber Rudd MP, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, calling on the UK Government to help secure the strongest possible deal at the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris (30 November - 11 December).

UNA-UK is deeply concerned that the Conference is unlikely to put us on course to limit the global temperature rise to 2oC, which is the minimum commitment needed to abate the most devastating impacts of global warming. 

Last week, plans were announced to phase out coal power stations in the UK by 2025. This is a positive step forward, but there is much more that could – and should – be done.

The letter asks the UK Government to set an example by outlining a  joined-up plan of action across our international and domestic and policies. The UK’s commitments should build on the outcomes agreed in Paris and put the UK at the forefront of international efforts to combat climate change.

UNA-UK supporters are adding their voices to the call by contacting the Secretary of State to demand a strong deal in Paris and a strong platform at home.

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Click here to access Climate 2020 - UNA-UK’s definitive online resource for issues regarding climate change

This article will be updated when a response is received from Amber Rudd MP. 

Image: Amber Rudd MP, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change