Last night UNA-UK hosted a reception together with the Moroccan Embassy convening a wide range of constituencies - from politicians and ambassadors to journalists and teachers - to celebrate UN Day and highlight the relevance of the organisation at this turbulent time.
The reception included a keynote address from Baroness Anelay, FCO Minister with responsibility for the UN, in which she described the pivotal role that the UN needs to play in the coming years and decades in helping deliver a secure and sustainable world.
At a pre-reception seminar for teachers who champion UN issues, UNA-UK launched a comprehensive set of teaching materials to support teaching within the national curriculum in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The event builds on the success of our campaign last year to keep the UN in the curriculum for England and Wales.
Education is a priority for UNA-UK. It is a crucial part of improving public debate on UN issues and building the next generation of internationalists. In recognition of the important role played by educators, this year's Sir Brian Urquhart Award for Distinguished Service to the UN was presented to Professor Lynn Davies for the role she has played in promoting peace and tolerance in education systems, both in the UK and abroad.
Our UN Day event is one of many - local UNAs across the UK are holding their own events, from flag-raising to remembrance services, to mark the UN's 69th birthday. UNA-UK staff have visited different parts of the country to be part of regional UN Day activities and supporting local UNAs.
UN Day is celebrated the world over, giving us all the opportunity to recognise the vital work the organisation carries out on a daily basis, and the contribution the UN makes to peace and security, human rights and development across the planet.
Do something for UN Day: show your support for a UK fully engaged on the world stage
UNA-UK's foreign policy manifesto "A global force for good" makes the case for international issues to be centre stage as political parties prepare for the general election and outlines 10 recommendations for UK Government action which represent an investment in Britain's future and in a safer, fairer and more sustainable world.
Public support for this agenda is crucial. We're counting on our members and supporters to pledge their support for this agenda to demonstrate to the UK Government that these are issues that people in the UK care about.
Click here to show your support