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Double issue of New World released

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Double issue of New World released

UNA-UK has launched the latest double issue of its flagship publication, New World.

Autumn issue

The autumn issue of New World focusses on the topic of global health. You’ll find timely contributions on some of the world’s major health concerns, including an article on the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, an update on progress in the fight against HIV/AIDS and news of a potential new malaria vaccine. In addition, our main feature and essay explore the UN’s contribution to the global health system.

Also included are the usual updates on UNA-UK's activities and networks, with information on our upcoming general election work, our latest initiative with UNA Youth branches and an interview with World Food Programme's London Director, Greg Barrow

Winter 'Special Issue'

Our Special Issue covers UN Forum 2014, UNA-UK's flagship event held this summer. Included are summaries and analysis from each of the debates, as well as abridged versions of the two keynote speeches from UN humanitarian chief Valerie Amos, and former President of Slovenia, Danilo Türk.

In response to these debates, we have launched our foreign policy manifesto. Ahead of the general election next year, we've compiled 10 ways in which the UK can act as a global force for good. It includes a handy pull-out poster, which you can use to kick-start your campaigning.

New World online

In addition to the print articles, we have a wealth of web exclusives available. On health we have an article from the UK Government's Chief Medical Adviser on our growing resistance to antibiotics, the Executive Director of Doctors of the World UK, on the shocking situation of people dying from lack of healthcare in the UK and the Overseas Development Institute on why mental health should be included in the Sustainable Development Goals.

There are also contributions from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office on its preventing sexual violence in conflict initiative and UNA-UK member Keith Hindell on the destruction of Syria's chemical weapons.

Hard copies will be with UNA-UK members shortly. If you'd like to receive New World delivered to your door, join today: