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Ban's UN Forum call: "demand more from your leaders and your United Nations"

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UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called on UK citizens to raise their voices and "demand more from your government and your United Nations".  

The rousing call was made in a video message to UNA-UK ahead of UN Forum this Saturday, where the British public has an historic opportunity to capture the attention of UK and UN policy-makers at what will be one of the biggest live debates on global affairs ahead of the General Election.

Speaking about UNA-UK's role as an "essential bridge" between the UN and the public, Mr Ban said: I count on all of you to engage with the United Nations at this Forum.

Ban Ki-moon's message ahead of UN Forum 2014

UN Forum 2014

On Saturday 28 June 2014, UNA-UK will discuss Britain's role in today's world at its acclaimed UN Forum event in Central Hall Westminster. Top UK and UN speakers will explore whether Britain is still a global power, and to what extent it can tackle the biggest challenges facing the world.

Confirmed speakers include Valerie Amos, Head of UNOCHA;  Ban Ki-moon’s speechwriter, Mark Seddon; President of YouGov, Peter Kellner; and the UN’s Special Advisor on the Responsibility to Protect, Jennifer Welsh.  Some of the UK’s top journalists and broadcasters, including Jon Snow, Nik Gowing and Zeinab Badawi, will be there to combine attendees’ questions with their own to generate frank and compelling debate.

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