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One month to UN Forum - message from the Executive Director

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One month to UN Forum - message from the Executive Director

UNA-UK's acclaimed UN Forum is now just one month away.

Entitled "Can Britain still cut it on the world stage?", the event will take place on Saturday 28 June 2014 in Central Hall Westminster in London.

The title is deliberately provocative. We at UNA-UK believe the UK is still an important global player, with much to contribute to tackling the challenges facing the world. But what form should this contribution take? Should it focus on domestic matters instead? And, crucially, what does the public want?

Our Chairman, Sir Jeremy Greenstock, recently remarked that "only a brave gambler would bet on the UK coming out stronger and more cohesive from the series of events coming up: the Scottish referendum, populist election campaigns and a possible EU referendum". How can we ensure that the UK addresses the challenges – national and global – that lie ahead?

At UN Forum, we want to kickstart a nationwide conversation on this question. Public debate is overwhelmingly shaped by chronic short-termism, driven by opinion polls and headlines, pitting anecdote against anecdote, and statistic against counter-statistic. Too little space is given to thoughtful analysis. There is little appetite for plain speaking about the challenges facing this country, and the actions needed to secure its long-term future.

The result? People switch off. They don't trust what is being said and don't feel their voice is heard.

UNA-UK believes that the public deserves better.

Global issues must feature prominently in the lead-up to the 2015 General Election. From immigration to climate change, job creation to security threats, the issues that people care about have an international dimension and require international solutions. An active UK foreign policy is essential for 'things at home' to improve, not an optional extra to pick up when the domestic front is looking better.

The Forum will see a fantastic line-up of policy-makers, experts and campaigners grapple with these issues. There won't be any stump speeches. Instead, they will answer the questions that you put to them, and be cross-examined by some of the sharpest journalists in Britain.

UNA-UK's own views won't be spared this treatment. We firmly believe that an effective UN can deliver global solutions and real gains for people in this country. But you shouldn't take our word for it. Our opening panel will challenge this premise by asking: why should the British public care about the UN?

Whether you strongly agree or emphatically don't, we hope you'll come to the Forum and make your voice heard.

This is a crucial year for the UK and international community. We need your help to raise the level of debate - and action - in this country.

You can view the programme, list of speakers, and book your ticket by clicking here:

Natalie Samarasinghe

UNA-UK Executive Director