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UNA-UK organises GLOBE event for Nestle

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On 21 March 2013, UNA-UK organised a GLOBE event for leading food giant Nestle, at their offices in Maidenhead.

The event was a five-hour model UN simulation exercise where eight participants debated a mock UN General Assembly resolution on genetically modified foods. The participants enthusiastically contributed to both moderated and informal debates on the subject, and actively proposed a range of amendments to the original resolution. The amended resolution was passed by the participants with six in favour, one against and one abstaining. At the end of the session, UNA-UK presented awards to the participants for ‘notable decorum’, ‘honourable mention’ and ‘best delegate’.

In their feedback, participants rated the event as a “good learning exercise”. They reported leaving the event better informed, not just on GM foods, but also on how the UN actually functions. They also said that practising their negotiation skills would be useful in their professional interactions.

Click here for more on GLOBE