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UNA-UK Executive Director receives award for services to peace and humanity

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UNA-UK Executive Director receives award for services to peace and humanity

At the World Peace and Prosperity Foundation’s inaugural dinner, held at the House of Lords on 19 November 2012, UNA-UK’s Executive Director, Phil Mulligan, received an award for services to peace and humanity.

In accepting the award, Mulligan paid tribute to the outstanding work undertaken by UNA-UK, praising the dedicated and hardworking staff as well as the thousands of branch activists who had worked over many years to promote world peace and humanitarian action.

Mulligan also thanked Prince Moshin Ali Khan, founder of the World Peace and Prosperity Foundation and Vice President of UNA Westminster, for the award and for his commitment to peace and interfaith dialogue as well as his avuncular support and friendship.

Speaking at the awards ceremony, Mulligan said “The challenges the world faces have never been greater, which is why the work of the UN has never been more important.”

Earlier that day, Mulligan attended a summit on the campaign to make 19 November World NGO Day.  At the event he pointed out that, while there was already an abundance of ‘world days’, the invaluable and vital work undertaken by NGOs around the world should be formally recognised through an official UN observance.