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UN Security Council condemns rights violations in Syria

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UN Security Council condemns rights violations in Syria

Following the deaths of hundreds of people during protests in Syria, the UN Security Council has condemned the widespread violation of human rights and the use of force against civilians by the country's security forces. The Council's statement, which was not endorsed by one of its current members, Lebanon, declared that ""those responsible for the violence should be held accountable"" and urged all sides to act with restraint and refrain from reprisals.

It stressed that the only solution to the current crisis was an inclusive, Syrian-led political process that effectively addresses the legitimate concerns of the population. It also asked the UN Secretary-General to update the Council on the situation within seven days.

Although the decision to issue a statement is less robust than the binding resolution the UK has been pushing for, it sends a clear signal that the international community strongly rejects the escalating violence in Syria. In April, the UN Human Rights Council adopted a resolution calling for an investigation into rights abuses.

Sir Jeremy Greenstock, UNA-UK Chairman and former UK ambassador to the UN, commented: ""the fact that the Security Council has taken even moderate action on Syria, when certain members of the Council are normally quite opposed to this kind of criticism, indicates how deeply resented the violent behaviour of the Syrian regime has become at the highest level. I hope the Council will move to an even firmer level unless President Assad draws back"".