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UNA-UK Chairman and Foreign Secretary on Israel-Palestine

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UNA-UK Chairman and Foreign Secretary on Israel-Palestine

In an open letter published on 10 June, 24 former heads of goverment, ministers and peace negotiators, including UNA-UK Chairman Sir Jeremy Greenstock, called on the European Union and United States to re-calibrate their policies on Israel-Palestine in the light of the Palestinian parliamentary and presidential elections planned for May 2012. Stating that the recent agreement signed between Fatah and Hamas is 'a fruit of the Arab Spring', they urged the EU and US to constructively engage with the transitional government, including by making recognition of Israel a goal rather than a pre-condition of engagement.

In his response to the letter, UK Foreign Secretary William Hague expressed hope that the announcement of reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas will advance the peace process, and said that 'negotiations should be guided by clear parameters, such as those set out by (US) President Obama on 19 May, including an agreement on borders based on 1967 lines'.