- Find out who your MP is by typing your postcode in at www.theyworkforyou.com
- Find their profile page by clicking on their listing via www.parliament.uk/mps-lords-and-offices/mps/
- Either browse their personal website and hunt for their next drop-in surgery, or phone their constituency office using the number on the profile page/personal website to ask for an appointment.
- During the meeting: introduce yourself, be respectful and polite, explain why the issue matters to you, and talk through UNA-UK's key asks.
- Ask your MP to take action on your behalf:
(1) by her/him writing a letter to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
(2) by her/him speaking to the Secretary of State in person
(3) by her/him raising your concerns as oral and written questions in parliament. - Ask your MP to keep in regular contact and to give you copies of any responses they receive.
- Once you've had your meeting, please tell us how you got on