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UNA-UK's 2012 highlights

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Season's greetings from everyone at UNA-UK!

2012 has been a particularly challenging year for the United Nations, with concerted international action needed on a host of issues - from Syria to climate change - at a time when many governments are focussed on domestic and economic concerns.

Throughout the year, UNA-UK worked hard to keep pressing global challenges, and multilateral solutions, firmly on the agenda. We have sought to take action on urgent issues, highlight those that are not receiving the attention they deserve, and keep a watchful eye on the wider trends that are shaping our world.

For us, 2012 has been a year of action, with major events, fresh publications and a brand new website. We launched Generation UN, a new initiative for 13-18-year-olds and a policy programme on the 'responsibility to protect'. Our transition to charitable status is complete and we are undertaking more, and better, campaigning work. Below, you will find our 2012 UNA-UK highlights and our policy 'picks' of the year.

In December 2012, our Chairman, Sir Jeremy Greenstock, has appealed to all those who believe in the universal principles of the UN to donate generously to UNA-UK, so that we can continue our work for a safer, fairer and more sustainable world.

We hope you had a wonderful festive period and best wishes for 2013!

Some of our proudest 2012 achievements...

The next generation of global citizens

In March 2012, UNA-UK's schools Model UN event launched GenUN, an exciting new membership programme engaging 13-18-year-olds and their schools with the work of the UN.


Turning over a new charitable leaf

A new charitable UNA-UK was born after the Association and The UNA Trust effectively merged into a new organisation, simplifying our governance structure and strengthening our message.

UN All-Party Parliamentary Group reaches new heights

Under Lord Hannay's chairmanship, the UN APPG, which UNA-UK administers, provided Parliamentarians with briefings from top UN speakers.


Cutting edge thinking: new 'Responsibility to Protect' programme

In August 2012, UNA-UK launchd a three-year 'responsibility to protect' programme, focussed on protecting populations from atrocities.

UNA-UK patron Sir Patrick Stewart addresses UN Forum

What better opportunity to introduce our new patron, Sir Patrick Stewart, than at our biggest event of the year: UN Forum 2012, with its fantastic mix of high-level and grassroots participants. Over 1,000 people took part in this fascinating day of debate.


Our new website - more information, more interaction

Launched this summer, our new website has aready hosted over 100 news articles, promoted more than 40 branch events and championed a host of campaigns and actions - keeping our members and supporters better informed than ever before.

A sleeker, smarter, braver New World

After feedback from readers, UNA-UK's flagship magazine, New World, was redesigned and relaunched with brand new features and top quality contributors. 2012 saw the production of our first special issue.


Attention Ambassadors - we're taking Model UN to the next level

Throughout 2012, UNA-UK supported, facilitated and hosted Model UN events and training sessions for schools, universities and businesses across the UK, bringing our message to new audiences.

Multimedia galore

UNA-UK is constantly seeking fresh ways to engage people in the work of the UN. This year we created a series of animations and recorded exclusive interviews with UN experts - explore our multimedia gallery!


A safer, fairer, more sustainable world

Armed with our new strategic plan, Striving for Change, UNA-UK has refocussed its policy work and the results are really showing. See below for our policy and campaigning 'picks' of 2012.

Our UN teaching pack reached secondary schools across the UK

Produced in collaboration with the UK National Commission for UNESCO, UNA-UK sent its UN Matters teaching pack to thousands of secondary schools in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. We hear that adults like it too...


Analysing the Arab uprisings

In December 2012, we were delighted to release our final publication of the year, After the Spring: Prospects for the Arab World in 2013. With over 50 contributors, the volume offers insights into what may lie ahead for the region. UNA-UK members will receive a printed copy.

UNA-UK's policy and campaign picks of 2012