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UNA-UK connects local to global because ‘It’s our UN’

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UNA-UK connects local to global because ‘It’s our UN’

To mark the United Nations' 70th year, UNA-UK invites communities across the UK to discover the contribution that they have made to the Organisation.      

In 1945, British people were exhausted by war but inspired by peace. The role we played in nurturing a young and fragile United Nations was vital to its survival.  Throughout the UN's life our nation’s contribution has helped expand and strengthen it.   Every community has a story to tell.  Some dispatched their own politicians and representatives to help create the UN, others welcomed refugees from faraway conflicts, others, sadly, have seen local men and women make the ultimate sacrifice while serving as peacekeepers.       Our advice and resources will equip people to not only track down and celebrate this history but also consider the future by exploring their hopes for the UN’s next 70 years.   The project’s climax will be in October when participants will be encouraged to present to their local authority a special commemorative edition of the UN Charter.     We're connecting the truly local with the truly global like this to help bring the UN a little closer to home. We hope that it will remind us all of the Organisation's continued importance, but also the part that we, our families and our neighbours play in it.     Any group or individual wanting to take part in this project can register now and view our links and resources here.  


The project will take place in three stages - 
  • Spring – UNA-UK will encourage schools and local groups to use our online tools to explore their community’s role
  • Summer – Participants will be asked to share their hopes for the UN’s next 70 years
  • Autumn – Every project will receive a commemorative edition of the UN Charter to ceremonially present to their local council