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UNA-UK calls for action on Syria

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UNA-UK calls for action on Syria

UNA-UK deplores the violent repression of civilians in Syria, where 800 people are reported to have been killed and thousands imprisoned since protests broke out in March.

While the media blackout imposed by the country's ruling regime makes it difficult to verify the situation, credible reports have emerged of the army shelling and shooting civilians. Human rights groups inside and outside Syria claim that hundreds of people have been detained with no access to the outside world. They fear the detainees are at risk of torture - torture is routine in Syrian prisons. Earlier this month, army tanks entered several towns and the suburbs of Damascus. The southern town of Deraa is reportedly under siege, with no electricity, phone or internet access.

Violence by a state against its own citizens is unacceptable. So too is the lack of action hitherto by the Arab League. If the League is to play the role of a regional organisation, it must recognise that recent developments in the region cannot be ignored and that it is in the collective interest of Arab states to respond in a timely, decisive and appropriate manner. The response to events in Libya earlier this year underscored the vital role of the League and other regional players in galvanising international action and conferring legitimacy on actions taken.

While the UN Human Rights Council has taken the strongest stance it can, the UN Security Council is yet to issue a statement on Syria, despite having discussed events in the country*. The 15 states currently represented on the Council must take swift action to demonstrate a consistent approach to violence against civilians, and to send a strong message to other oppressive regimes.

Yesterday's 'Nakba' clashes - when Israeli forces opened fire on pro-Palestinian protestors on its borders with Syria and Lebanon - highlight the potential of new incidents to widen the unrest sweeping the Middle East, and the urgent need to take action now.

UNA-UK urges the:

Syrian government to:

  • Cease immediately all acts of violence
  • Lift restrictions on international aid workers and media
  • Respect human rights and fundamental freedoms
  • Hold a national dialogue with all parties concerned to discuss genuine political and economic reforms

Arab League to:

  • Use its influence to make these representations to the Syrian government
  • Support the international community in taking action to alleviate the suffering of civilians

UN Security Council to:

  • Follow the lead given by the UN Human Rights Council and condemn unequivocally the actions of the Syrian government
  • Support the Human Rights Council's call for an investigation into reports of extrajudicial killings and other human rights violations
  • Press for access by international aid workers and media
  • Enact targeted sanctions on President Assad and his associates

UK government to:

  • Make the above points repeatedly, in public and to the Syrian government, Arab League and UN Security Council

* Neither body has issued a statement on civilian repression in Bahrain and Yemen.