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UN Forum 2014 film released as debate moves to party conferences

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UN Forum 2014 film released as debate moves to party conferences

UNA-UK has released a short film on UN Forum 2014, the event that kicked-off its year of public debate on global issues. The film coincides with the publication of UNA-UK’s foreign policy manifesto.

This manifesto, launching at the Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat party conferences, builds on the momentum created at the Forum by exploring how engagement with the UN is in UK's national interest.

The film gives a flavour of the debates at UN Forum 2014, which was held on Saturday 28 June at Central Hall Westminster and saw over 1,000 people gather to discuss Britain’s role on the world stage. It features interviews with keynote speakers H.E.Danilo Türk, former President of Slovenia, and Valerie Amos, head of UN OCHA, as well as contributions from panellists and participants.