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UN and UNA-UK 65th anniversary celebrations at FCO

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UN and UNA-UK 65th anniversary celebrations at FCO

2010 marks the 65th anniversary of the United Nations and of UNA-UK. The Association was, in fact, founded a couple of weeks before the UN Charter was opened for signature on 24 June 1945.

To mark this occasion, UNA-UK held a prestigious event at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office on 20 October, in conjunction with the Centre for International Studies at the University of Oxford. The event featured a high-level panel discussion on the UN's efforts in international peace, law and development.

Dame Rosalyn Higgins, former President of the International Court of Justice, gave an overview of the prospects for the Court at 65.

Professor Sir Adam Roberts, President of the British Academy, spoke on the UN's evolving role in peace and security.

Professor Ngaire Woods, Director of the Global Economic Governance Programme at Oxford University, outlined the challenges facing the UN's development system.

Former UNA-UK Executive Director Sam Daws, who is now directing a project on UN governance and reform at the Oxford Centre for International Studies, rounded off the discussion by considerings ways to make the UN stronger and more effective.

The event was opened by Henry Bellingham MP, FCO Minister with responsibility for UN issues, who presented the British government's vision for the UN in the 21st Century. Mr Bellingham said: ""UNA-UK has played a key role in advocating in support of the UN; but it has rightly not shied away from challenging it and its member states. The FCO views the UNA-UK as a close and valuable partner, which has over the years helped, influenced and reinforced HMG policy"".

Around 100 key UNA-UK partners and stakeholders were present at the event, which also welcomed UNA-UK's new Executive Director, Phil Mulligan.

To read more about UNA-UK's commemoration of UN Day, click here